Working abroad during the long university summer holidays or on gap years enables students to get away and earn money at the same time. Working abroad affords a fantastic opportunity to discover new cultures and gain invaluable work experience.
Many of the largest graduate recruiters are international businesses; they need employees who can demonstrate the ability and willingness to adapt to working abroad.
The majority of travelers look for a job overseas at some point during their gap year to increase their dwindling funds. Work can either earn or save the traveller crucial cash.
Seize the Chance to Work Abroad!
Working abroad is a realistic opportunity for summer holiday adventures and is a fabulous way to meet new people, retain independence and of course to earn some money.
On my gap year I took advantage of unpaid opportunities where I traded work for board and lodging. I helped clean the hostels I stayed in when visiting cities and through WWOOF (Willing Workers on Organic Farms) I stayed on some amazing farms. WOOFF enabled me to visit peaceful places off the well-trodden traveler routes, the work was really enjoyable and the unspoilt views were out of this world. I feel my experiences working abroad greatly added to whole overall traveling experience.
But if trade is not for you, and you want to earn real money working abroad then teaching English is an ideal opportunity. This is perfect working abroad experience to impress graduate recruiters.

Teach English Abroad
The most commonly accepted qualification is a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificate. A qualification is not required in some countries but with the certificate there are opportunities to work abroad in innumerable countries. You don’t even need to speak the local language!
Jo Stucky, a friend from university, lives in Sicily teaching English. She went out there four years ago meaning to stay a few months, get some experience working abroad and have an adventure. Jo enjoyed Italy so much she is still living there in the sunshine, with a lower cost of living, great restaurants and buzzing café culture.
“My decision to work abroad stemmed from both circumstance and childhood dream. Finding myself going nowhere in my first job after university, I decided to seize the moment and fulfill my dream of learning Italian and living abroad. Thinking back over the last few years has made me realize how many challenges I’ve got through. Arriving with an Italian vocabulary limited to ‘ciao’ certainly made life difficult but hardly impossible!
Even though I’ve only gone as far as Italy, there certainly are cultural differences that you need to get your head round at the beginning. You have days where you can sometimes feel a bit of an alien! However, the pros definitely outweigh the cons. After four years abroad, my Italian’s certainly improved which, in turn, has opened up new opportunities on the work front. And, of course, I don’t overcook pasta anymore!
I think living and working abroad is one of the most positive things you can do. It is a challenge but the satisfaction you get is second to none.”