What job were you doing?
I was a podium Dancer for one on the most popular bars on Magalluf Strip – Alex’s.
Why did you choose to work there?
I went there on holiday the previous year and loved it. I knew I wanted to go back and try and get a job there for the summer. Alex’s plays the best R&B music around so I thought I would love to work there.

Magaluf Club Jobs - Be a Podium Dancer
How did you find the job?
I just walked in and asked for the Manager and said ‘have you got any jobs going’ which is the way most people find jobs there. You don’t need a CV for bar work, PR work or as a Dancer even though I have been learning to dance for years, I didn’t need to prove it.
Do all pubs and clubs there employ dancers?
The main bars and most popular ones may have dancers but for only a few hours a night when it is the busy time.
Did they interview you?
No, if they like you, they give you a trial night, which meant you would give the job a go for a night and if you were any good you would get hired and get paid for that night!
What was your day to day routine then?
I was very lazy during the day as I was dancing from 10 each night until 4 in the morning. I didn’t tend to get up till around 2, but that was ok as the sun was still strong so you could still go to the beach and get a tan! After the beach I tended to just go and chill out at one of the bars Alex’s lounge was my fave, it’s a chill out lounge and there are three different bars. Alex’s Indie, Alex’s R&B, and Alex’s Lounge. During the day Alex’s Lounge is very popular for the workers as everyone would tend to go there late afternoon to hang out and have a drink or 2!
What was the salary like?
The salary was average 50 euros a night, (about £28) maybe during mid season if you’re doing well it would go up to 60 a night.
Is accommodation included?
Not with the job but there is a lot of accommodation available locally. We had a flat 30 seconds walk (crawl) from Magalluf strip. The cost of our apartment with kitchen and bathroom was 350 euros a week which sounds steep but when there are 45 of you sharing its not so bad! Ours was a two bed apartment with a bed settee in the lounge. You could get cheaper ones than that, there’s a lot of choice.
Would you recommend working as a dancer?
Yes I would, you don’t have to have qualifications in dance, you just need to show that you are there to have a good time and that you are a hard worker. Also, when I was working out there my shifts were 6 hours a night 67 days a week, it was hot and I lost over a stone in weight through the constant exercise, so stamina is definately needed.
Well everyone knows that Magalluf is the party capital but are there other things to do like sports/beach/tourist attractions?
There are plenty of things you can do, lots of excursions, but the shopping trips are the best days out! Palma is an amazing city. Down at the beach there are a lot of water sports, jet skis, banana boats, lots of things to keep you and your mates happy…
Tell us about the worst and the best bits?
The best thing is that you don’t have to rush all the time like a lot of people do in England you just take your time to chill, relax… Plus earning the money by doing something I love is even more of a bonus!
The worst bits I would say are the hangovers the next morning, but the beach and smelling that sea air soon sorts you out! You make so many new friends and soon enough you’re part of a little community and you all know each other and get on really well, there wasn’t one person I disliked out there!
Do you plan to work abroad again?
Yes! I heard it rained all summer in the UK when I was in Magalluf last year! I’ll be back there in March to have a break before starting the same job, to meet more new people and catch up with the old ones…Can’t Wait!
Do you feel this experience will help you with your career?
Yes, very much so as I want to be a professional dancer and to dance in a hot country for 6 hours a night 7 days a week will give me experience of what’s expected of you as a dancer.